Hi, I'm Andrew. I live in Florida with my beautiful wife and two kids (make that adults), numerous pets and I'm an artist with a Graphic Design degree since 1999 (forever ago!). Since that time, I've freelanced as a designer, a comic colorist, photographer, and worked for corporate businesses as an image editor and a technical illustrator.
I currently work for the 3rd world's largest department of defense company. I produce technical illustrations for in the end, assisting others in the protection of the country.
I enjoy spending time with friends and family, working out, bowling, MMA, playing the ole' guitar, theme parks, attending comic conventions, concerts, learning about cryptocurrency, playing video games, movies, listening to all genres of music and of course art!
I'm new to the NFT world and I wanted to produce my first 10k character art collection. A collection I wish to sell at low cost but attach a story to them as well. My goal is with enough interest and support, create more to Hafnium Pyro-Force story in the form of chapters that are only available to my NFT collectors. Check out the How to Purchase NFT page.
Thank you for your support and I wish you success in everything you do.
Scroll further to check out older samples of my portfolio or to visit my zazzle store. This is where you can purchase different types of products with my designs printed on them. I plan on updating both in the new future.
If you want to get started using a crypto exchange, click any of the links below and receive free crypto get started.
Crypto links
Use my referral link https://crypto.com/app/v8srk8efuu to sign up for Crypto.com and we both get $25 USD :
https://coinbase.com/join/hurst_5fz?src=android-link. Get $10 worth of bitcoin
Hi, I'd like to invite you to use Uphold. Create your account and try out one of the easiest and most cost-effective trading experiences.
Cronoballz is collection of softball and baseball inspired NFTs with unique attitudes on cronos. They utilize crypto to help kids and organizations in youth sports. Just recently they were on the local news building new bleachers for parents and kids. Check out the news clip and be sure to click image above to view their site.